2015년 10월 12일 월요일

[Elephant] Typodesign

Concept_ Elephant

I used alphabet 'C' and 'E'
I combined them
Created shape looks like
elephant's trunk or ivory

[Space time] Typodesign

Concept_ Space time

I used 'Floppy disk'
Put the Image of Four floppy disk,
appeared shape of alphabet 'H'

So i focused of 'time', expressed this design.

[Letter 'in' man] Typodesign

Concept_ The letter 'in' man

It's Leonardo da Vinci's 'Vitruvian man'.

The proportion of the figure in the picture is similar to that of an actual human being.

I put the Chinese letter 'in' man.

 The image of this letter  is also from the shape of a human being.

So it connected da Vinci's image with Chinese letter.

[Stripes_Z] Typodesign

Concept_ Stripes_Z

I used alphabet of  'Z' of big size.

And i combined to stripes on the 'Z'

So i expressed zebra's Stripes

[Record album jacket] Typodesign

Concept_  Record album jacket
Used Korean pomes.

I used floppy disk.
I dissected it.
Inside of Disk looks like alphabet 'C'
I mixed it.
Consequently, showed various position of straight lines and curves.

So Creating 'Old record album jacket'.